The Chancellor George Osborne made his 2013 budget statement against a background of continuing economic gloom. With no money to spend any give-aways had to be paid for by either tax increases, squeezing government spending or by reducing tax avoidance. The Chancellor was keen to trumpet the fact that employment was up and that interest rates continued at an all time low, but had to admit that the growth forecast for the coming year would be 50% lower at 0.6%. This means that tax receipts will be lower than forecast and consequently it will take longer to reduce the budget deficit.

The Chancellor therefore needs to boost the economy without increasing government borrowing. To do this he has therefore announced that additional savings in government department spending will be used to inject £3b into infrastructure spending during 2015-16. In conjunction with the “help to buy scheme” and the mortgage guarantee for home buyers he hopes to boost the construction industry, but how soon we will see the positive effects from this impetus is unknown.

He had already been announced that the full rate of corporation tax was being reduced to 21% from April 2014 and this is being further reduced to 20% from April 2015, meaning that corporation tax for small and large companies will be the same rate. This is primarily aimed at attracting multi-nationals to the UK (or from deterring them from leaving the UK), but the change will also mean that there will no longer be a disincentive from marginal corporation tax rates.

Although most of the budget provisions had been flagged in advance, George Osborne managed to spring a surprise.  The new employment allowance means that from April 2014 all employers can deduct £2,000 from their employer’s national insurance liabilities. This will be welcomed by small business owners, many of which will pay no employer’s national insurance contributions. But if the Chancellor really believes that this will boost employment why is he waiting for another year?

As previously announced the income tax basic personal allowance is being increased to £9,440 from April 2013 and this will be further increased to £10,000 from April 2014. Whilst this will be advantageous to most employees and the self-employed it is being paid for by reducing the level at which you begin to pay the 40% tax rate. So if you were already close to the higher rate threshold it is unlikely to be of any advantage. Owners of small limited companies should therefore continue to take their remuneration as a mix of a salary equal to the personal allowance and the remainder as a dividend.

The Chancellor has continued his policy of reducing government spending whilst trying to boost private sector employment, but we will have to wait until at least 2014-15 to see whether the NIC employment allowance and boost to the construction industry is enough to stimulate the economy.  So whilst Mr Osborne may get some good headlines why does he make the changes now to give some immediate help for small business owners?


The introduction of Real Time Information (RTI) next year together with the requirement to auto enrol employees in a pension scheme will mean all employers have new legislation to comply with. From April 2013 the way payroll information is reported to HM Revenue & Customs will change dramatically. Instead of completing a year-end P35 form containing details of employee information, employers will have to have to submit payroll information every time they pay employees, meaning it is essential all payroll data is complete and correct.

Employers should be preparing now to ensure that they are ready for the change to RTI.

–          Can their payroll software handle RTI?

–          Are they sure that their payroll information is correct?

–          How will they ensure that they have all the necessary information before making a payment to a new employee?

As if that was not enough, employers should also think about what they need to do ahead of the introduction of pension auto enrolment. Between October 2012 and February 2018, employers will have to auto enrol all their eligible employees in a qualifying pension scheme. The exact staging (start) date will depend upon the number of employees on the payroll and their PAYE reference number, but the earliest an employer with less than 50 employees will have to introduce a scheme is June 2015. HMRC will write to employers 12 months before their staging date informing them of their legal responsibilities, but financial advisors are saying that it could take up to 12 months to put a qualifying scheme in place.

Unless they already have a qualifying pension scheme, employers must decide whether to use the government NEST (National Employment Savings Trust) scheme or set up a defined contribution pension scheme with an insurance provider. Employer contributions will be phased in at a minimum 1% of qualifying earnings, but will rise to 3% by 2018. The employer can pay more than the minimum contribution but by 2018 the total contributions must be 8%.

Employers also need to take action to identify which employees are eligible as they will need to write to all employees telling them whether they are to be auto enrolled or not. All UK based employees aged between 22 and the state pension age earning a minimum of £8,105 must be auto enrolled. There are penalties for non-compliance so employers need to ensure they get it right. An employee may decide to opt out, but it will be an offence for an employer to encourage an employee to opt out.

Any employer that has not yet taken action to prepare for the introduction of RTI or Auto Enrolment needs to seek professional help. A qualified accountant can advise on payroll software and the necessary preparation. In addition to explaining the legal requirements of auto enrolment, they will be able to refer you to a reputable financial advisor to help set up a qualifying pension scheme.

Ignite Business Growth seminar

A very interesting evening last Thursday. A truly motivatinal talk by Adam Balon of Innocent Drinks about the challenges and pressures of growing a brand leading business. It highlighted the need to manage your cashflow and to employ the right people. A message that is applicable to all busines sowners, whatever the size of their business.