A recent Accountancy Age article highlighted the increasingly tough attitude being taken by HM Revenue & Customs towards unpaid tax. During 2011/12 there was a 57% increase in winding-up petitions being served by HMRC against limited companies. HMRC seem keen to dispel any image of being a soft touch or that the late payment of taxes should be seen as an acceptable method of manageing working capital. It is therefore important not to give HMRC the impression that trade creditors are being giving preference to tax debts.
This hard line coincides with a reduction in the number of “Time to Pay” arrangements being agreed and a tendancy for HMRC to push for shorter payment periods. It is important that anyone struggling to pay corporation tax, VAT or PAYE contacts HMRC promptly, but they will need to have a workable plan as to how they will be able to pay off the debt.
If you are having difficulties them contact your accountant or an insolvency practitioner for help.